Cindy joined us for the first time today. She started knitting last winter when she was in Vermont. She's using the class to jump start her knitting of a Blankie in a yarn similar to Berroco Plush (Super Bulky:
100% Nylon, 90 yards) which was a super soft chenille type yarn. This yarn can be very forgiving (of mistakes) and difficult to work with at the same time.
We talked about books and authors:
Mountain Story by Lori Lansens
The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman
Then the authors, Sue Grafton, Dennis Lehane, and Nelson DeMille ~ to name a few.
Cornelia was onto the second side of the poncho she started last week, knit with Berroco Gusto (Super Bulky:
45% Acrylic, 45% Wool, 10% Rayon, 70 yards). Her daughter is thrilled.

Eleanor wore her L'Enveloppe in today with a lovely pin. She's working on her CustomFit sweater in ernest.
Jane met me with an "Oh boy" which is never a good sign.
After finishing the top of the body of the coat, she decided to work on the sleeves. She ripped back 10" (the hard way) by taking her knitting off the needles, ripping it out, then putting it back on the needles. She was very proud of herself, and gave herself a good pat on the back (as well she should). I'm proud of her too.
Jane followed the directions for the sleeve cap shaping and it didn't work out.
She checked the math by writing it out, and found there was a typo.
Then she waited till class to confirm her math was correct and that there was indeed a typo. Jane said that when this kind of thing happens you keep re-reading thinking its something you did. I'm glad she took the time to check the math, that was a good lesson.
Jane's mother knit in movies, Eleanor had a Russian professor who wanted his students to knit in class so he would feel at home. Knitting in a class, movie, or lecture - are they politically incorrect or acceptable? Where is the most unusual place you have knit?
We got into a whole discussion about the childhood games we enjoyed. Of course we discussed Monopoly. I asked everyone if they remembered which piece they played. Here was the tally:
shoe - Eleanor
iron - Pam, Cornelia
thimble - Jane
Here's what I would like everyone to do. In either a comment on the blog or in a Facebook post (depending on where you are reading this post), write what monopoly piece you used to play and what was the most unusual place you ever knit. This will read like a Clue game, "I played the iron and knit at a play." Play along, it will be fun to read the responses.
ALWAYS the dog. Currently am keeping the knitting at home or in class as nothing is more irritating to my teenager than me knitting in public!
Played the iron and knit in People's Bank lobby.
Whatever piece I ended up with. I used to knit in the dark during radiology lectures for continuing medical education--while the lecturer was showing slides and while s/he was speaking. Kept me focused and awake!!! Other crazy place was during curriculum committee meetings when I was in medical school. I ended up with a beautiful Aran sweater for my sister at the end of the year. If I wasn't knitting, I could not sit still and listen. (Found out later that I have ADDH--still can't sit still unless I'm knitting!)
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