This is one of my favorite stories from my sister. I think of it whenever I have or need to plan.
Now, in her own voice, she shares the story of the "plan for the rolls".
I am notorious for doing things at the last minute and with flexible or non-existent planning. Despite this, I run successful events for 100+ Girl Scouts, have a job I love and a family that tolerates this aberration.
One day my carb-loving daughter and I returned from a trip to the supermarket with a bag of fresh rolls and a few other odds and ends.
My very linear and organized husband saw the bread and asked, "Oh, you got rolls, did you buy deli meat to go with the rolls?"
I said no.
He said, "Um, did you buy a rotisserie chicken to go with the rolls?"
I said no.
Exasperated, he said "So, what is your Plan for the rolls?"
I told him it was very simple. We were getting milk, we could smell the freshly baked bread and we bought it. There was no Plan for the rolls, they were just rolls to be enjoyed.
So now you understand, that before stepping onto the Rhinebeck Fairgrounds, I needed a plan for the rolls!
Since I share some of my sister's habit of doing things last minute. I didn't pack until Friday morning (we were leaving in the afternoon). I brought a stack of patterns to look at Friday night. From this I culled what I wanted to look for.
Of course, I didn't start looking at the patterns until 9pm. It took me till after 11. I gave each item a the tag "Rhinebeck" in my Ravelry favorites, so they'd be easy to find. I even realized that I had yarn for some of the patterns I brought with me. (I really should go through my patterns more often.) Nancy played for a while and then went to sleep.
If you're interested, here is a link to the plan for the rolls.
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