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Monday, April 30, 2012

One of these things is not like the other

We were on a road trip on Saturday and I brought along Catkin because I was in the home stretch. I reached the part of section 3 where you close the second bunch of catkins. Call it lazy or careless or selective reading...I interpreted the pattern incorrectly. All my fault.  I glanced at the chart, figured I remembered it at this point and knit on.
I kind of knew it when I did the following row.  You know the song from Sesame Street, "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same"?
I knew it and ignored it.  You see I was under 10 rows from completion.  I showed my mother and when I explained that there are over 400 sts per row and it was 7 rows back, she said she would not go back.  Now I know where I get it from.  We played around with it and I could duplicate stitch over it and "jimmy" the stitchwork, however, it just wasn't right. 

I slept on it.  In the morning I looked at it more closely and realized that I looked at the cute little three-pronged knitting symbol and decided that it was an increase instead of a decrease.  No good.  I generally fudge forward if the mistake really won't impact the final project.  This would have.  I took a deep breath and ripped out all 7 rows and 2800 sts.  Then I walked away for a while to collect myself.
Thankfully it was a beautiful day to sit outside and knit.  It took me the entire day to catch up to where I was.  This really isn't surprising as it took me all the previous day to knit it.
I'm glad I did because now all of these catkins are just like the others.

Here is a little trip down memory lane.

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