A virtual gathering of people sharing their knitting, books, thoughts, and random threads of conversation!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We've Got Trouble, Right Here in River City!

What a punchy bunch today! (I couldn't resist the rhyme.)

It started out with Michelle's hexagons. She weaved in all her ends and was ready to lay them out.
I laid them out on the bench; they kept slipping off the end. We played musical hexagons until we were all satisfied with the results. I pinned the beginning rows together and showed Michelle how to crochet them together.

Every time she got to a corner, she would start talking out loud to herself. It was the only way she could crochet the corners together.
I helped Michelle with the weaving the underarm closed. I'm glad her sweater fits since I'm making the same size.
Michelle discovered the Tunisian stitch and bought a book with projects she wants the group to do. I really liked the book. Mary thought she was crazy. Until she finishes her crocheted vest she's not taking on any other crochet techniques.
Mary has 3 more rows in her Insight Vest for the class she is taking at Westport Yarns. We're taking it slow. Her markers for the corners may have wandered from the corners. We'll see.
Lois swatched for the Gypsy Tank. I had her start with a mock circular gauge. She did NOT like that one bit. I let her off the hook and she did a flat swatch for the flat part of Gypsy. We'll deal with the circular part later. As Lois said, "she had a feeling she won the battle, and not the war."

Michelle started her Gypsy Tank last week and is only 3 rows in. I haven't started yet. I'd better start before she jumps too far ahead. (I know, it's not a race. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, I said it.)

Lauren had dropped a stitch in her ribbed scarf and we didn't realize it until we tinkered with it for a while.

Linda reached the end of the upper back on her Sea Turtle tank (old picture). We knew there was trouble when she was 10 stitches shy of the number they wanted you to have. So after Mary and Linda sang a chorus of "We've Got Trouble", we decided that there's going to be a little fudging around with the stitch count. It's fine (I hope). There were distractions involved ~ laughter/telephones ~ you know the drill. We've all been there.

There was a book recommendation, I'll give you the clues that worked there way around the table until one of us got it. It was like a bad game of charades. The title sounds like "dogs crying" no "dogs running" no "dogs running in the rain" no... The Art of Racing in the Rain. Haven't read it yet myself, Linda and Lois had.

There was an "app." recommendation, looks like a lot of fun for the little kid in all of us or the little kids in our lives. Cake Doodle for Ipad/Iphone.

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