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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm Loving It!

My Spindrift scarf is done and I love it.
This is my sample for the upcoming class at Westport Yarns.
The yarn is Ella Rae Lace Merino, color #112.
I used pretty much the entire skein. Now, I was very careful and wrote down the pre-blocked measurements. Can you guess what's coming next? I have no idea what happened to the piece of paper. This is what happens when your modus operandi is to write on small scraps of paper and rewrite them into lists periodically.It should be on my desk and it is not.

I remember that it was 7" wide before blocking. I have completely forgotten the length. I think there was a 6 involved. At any rate, after blocking it was 9" x 74". It grew at least 8-10". If the paper turns up, I'll let you know.

You know what this means don't you? Tomorrow I cast on for a new project! I must go rest up.

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