A virtual gathering of people sharing their knitting, books, thoughts, and random threads of conversation!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Intellectual Exploration of Options

I look forward to Linda's entrances. She always comes in with an interesting observation or comment. Today when she sat down, she said, "We have an intellectual exploration of options" with respect to the Sea Turtle Vest she's knitting. It's top down (in keeping with this summer's theme) and when she reached the end of the armhole shaping for the back, she was -1o stitches in the final count for. She figures she missed a couple of increases in the very beginning. Here's the dilemma - does she "miss" the increases again and add the missing stitches to the final row before joining the front/back or does she knit the fronts properly? We opted for the second choice. The front will hang better this way. As for the back, we will block it into submission. ;)
Michelle has got her marching orders for how to affix the iron-on interfacing to her bag and then how to sew her lining. We'll see what happens to (sewing) the lining. That may very well end up in Mary's hands.
I haven't seen Elizabeth in a couple of weeks. She's onto the sleeves for her Radian Yoke by Wendy Bernard. The color is perfect for her. This is really a great top and a pleasure to knit.
This had to be shared. Mary's son's drew her this diagram to help explain how to connect to the Internet and how it all works. On the left are Mary and me with our phones and Ipads.
She's on her way with her Corinne Cardigan from the KAL, the yarn is Nashua Handknits Summer Garden.
Mary is happily past the yoke and onto the easier part of the Insight Crocheted Vest. The yarn is Shibui Heichi.
And the Bored Crocheter finished the second purse. Very cute don't you think?

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